Our products are manufactured and produced with the market demands in mind. This makes us an industry-leading workplace where employees are happy to work. We constitute many different professions, but common to all of them is that we are all service minded, responsible and top qualified.

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Our story

Windar Photonics is a leading manufacturer of cost-efficient LiDAR-based optimisation solutions to the global wind energy industry, providing OEMs and IPPs the opportunity to enhance the lifespan and increase the energy production of their wind turbine assets. The Windar LiDARs are designed to be cost-efficient, allowing Windar Photonics to offer LiDAR sensors at about 80% lower prices than other LiDAR manufacturers. Windar Photonics was founded in 2008 as a spin-off company from DTU-Risø (Technical University of Denmark), and is listed on AIM - The London Stock Exchange as AIM:WPHO.

We take care of you

We offer a company that focus on your health and your satisfaction

Many years of experience

We promise that you can learn a lot from our many experiences

Great colleagues

We work together as teams and individually and we all help each other


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Oprettet: March 24, 2025

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